SMSA is delighted to present Edition 17 (November 2020) of The Scottish Shedder to our members and supporters.
The Scottish Shedder finds out more about the revamp of Cullen Men’s Shed and how one of its Shedders has returned to the building he first found a passion for woodwork and metalwork as a school pupil in the 1960s.
A PERSONAL JOURNEY: Bruce Newlands from The Inverclyde Shed
The Scottish Shedder interviews Bruce Newlands—an award-winning architect and Chair of the Scottish ‘Men’s Shed of the Year’ 2020, The Inverclyde Shed—to hear all about his personal journey and what the future holds.
SHED PROJECTS: Cullen Shedder is full of bright ideas!
Stan Slater from Cullen Men’s Shed has been busy in lockdown creating some unique lamps made from an old heating system.
MY JOURNEY THROUGH LOCKDOWN: David Davies of St Andrews Men’s Shed
David Davies shares how he got through lockdown using new-found skills and mindfulness.
And much much more…
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