The SMSA is delighted to present the November 2023 edition of The Scottish Shedder magazine to our 3,500+ members and subscribers.
The Scottish Shedder features the latest news, events, projects and personal stories from Men’s Sheds across Scotland as well as promoting relevant opportunities and raising awareness of men’s health matters.
Read this issue at your leisure using the downloadable pdf or flipbook version below.
A sneak peek of what’s inside this issue:
SHED IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Dingwall Men’s Shed
The SMSA takes a peek at the almost-complete Dingwall & District Men’s Shed, ‘built by the community, for the community’ on a former skate park and now one step closer to an official opening after 19 months of hard graft from its members and supporters.
A PERSONAL STORY: Billy Christie from Barrhead Men’s Shed
Almost ten years ago, William (Billy) Christie – the newly-elected Chairperson of Barrhead Men’s Shed – was diagnosed with testicular and prostate cancer and health complications that forced him to give up a much-loved career. Feeling lost, Billy reveals why connecting with his local Men’s Shed and peers in his community was a godsend for him.
SHED LIFE: Lanark Men’s Shed’s new beginning
The SMSA caught up with Lanark Men’s Shed Chairman Alan Ross to hear all about their recent relocation to their new larger premises situated alongside the picturesque River Clyde within the grounds of the UNESCO World Heritage site in New Lanark—a view so idyllic that it made our cover photo!
SHED LIFE: Stonehaven & District Men’s Shed awarded The King’s Award for Voluntary Service
Each year since 2002, outstanding examples of volunteers making a difference in their communities have been celebrated through the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service and now, in 2023, Stonehaven & District Men’s Shed has become the first Scottish Men’s Shed to be recognised through The King’s Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS).
SHED LIFE: Ben Fogle drops in on Orkney Men’s Shed
The ‘Scotland’s Sacred Islands’ series broadcast on BBC Scotland earlier this month saw Ben Fogle drop in on Orkney Men’s Shed to learn more about Sheds.
SHED LIFE: Aberchirder lad’s 78-hours Shedding for Duke of Edinburgh Award
Sixteen-year-old Casper Steen Nielsen from Aberchirder, is carrying out 78 hours of volunteering at his local Men’s Shed to achieve his Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.
SMSA NEWS: New Shed on the Block celebrates double triumph
They may have only officially opened in October of this year, but Banff, Macduff and District Men’s Shed is certainly making its mark as their members celebrated a double triumph in the Scottish Men’s Sheds Movement world this month.
SMSA EVENTS: Battle of the Shed Bands
The SMSA’s first gathering of Scottish Men’s Sheds since the pandemic took place on Friday 10th November 2023 and featured a new fun entertainment element entitled ‘Battle of the Shed Bands’.
And much more…
What do you think of The Scottish Shedder?
SMSA is keen to hear what you think of the publication and has created an online survey to gauge your thoughts and opinions. Your feedback is appreciated to ensure we continue to meet the needs of our readership.
Contribute to a future issue of The Scottish Shedder
We urge you to maximise the potential of this resource by sending us your updates to showcase your Shed and raise awareness of the Men’s Sheds Movement in Scotland.
NEXT DEADLINE (January 2024 Issue): Friday 19th January 2023
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