SMSA is delighted to present Edition 22 (June 2021) of The Scottish Shedder to our members and supporters.
The Scottish Shedder features the latest news, events, DIY projects, recipes, personal stories, health matters and funding opportunities relevant to Men’s Sheds in Scotland.
In this edition
COVER STORY: Scottish Men’s Sheds honoured with Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service
Two Scottish Men’s Sheds have been announced as winners of this year’s Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service – the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK in recognition of their outstanding and diverse work to benefit their communities.
SMSA NEWS: Last chance to apply for Pathfindr Safe Distancing Assistants
The SMSA has, so far, allocated over 700 FREE Pathfindr Safe Distancing Assistants to 75 Men’s Sheds across Scotland – to support safe social engagement and Shed re-openings – but time is running out if your Shed has not yet applied.
SHED IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Mintlaw and District Men’s Shed
Trustee and former Chairman of Mintlaw and District Men’s Shed, Sandy Thom, shares the exciting news that their new Shed premises, within the grounds of Aden Country Park in Aberdeenshire, will hopefully be ‘open for business’ by the end of the summer.
The SMSA chats to Peter Rayner, founder of the Hume Men’s Shed in Craigieburn—an outer northern suburb of Melbourne/Victoria in Australia—as he shares his Men’s Shed journey over the last 14 years and his plans to reach out to connect with Scottish Sheds.
SHED PROJECTS: The Inverclyde Shed
The Inverclyde Shed, SMSA’s Scottish ‘Men’s Shed of the Year’ 2020, shares updates on several of their latest projects including their work with 15 local schools to set up small growing spaces and some with larger community spaces, beekeeping, woodturning, film making and much more.
THE SHED GARDEN: Girvan Men’s Shed
Girvan Men’s Shed shares progress on its sensory garden project and their Shedders’ involvement in a very special initiative to ensure Girvan’s fallen are remembered.
And much more…
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