SMSA is delighted to present Edition 21 (May 2021) of The Scottish Shedder to our members and supporters.
The Scottish Shedder features the latest news, events, DIY projects, recipes, personal stories, health matters and funding opportunities relevant to Men’s Sheds in Scotland.
In this edition
COVER STORY: Was this a ‘Men’s Shed’ in Glasgow in the 1960s?
The Men’s Sheds Movement in Scotland officially began in 2009, but the SMSA has recently been drawn to a few stories of Shed-like establishments across the nation from as early as the 1960s which have grabbed our attention…
SMSA NEWS: The SMSA becomes a member of Unforgotten Forces
The SMSA is now an official member of the Unforgotten Forces consortium – a partnership of armed forces and civilian charities working together to deliver a ‘one-stop-shop’ of high quality and joined-up support and opportunities that boosts the health and wellbeing of older veterans in Scotland.
SHED IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Broadford & Strath Men’s Shed
SMSA talks to Nicholas Kelly, Project Co-ordinator at the Broadford & Strath Community Company which established the first Men’s Shed in their area in 2018 thanks to long-term lottery funding.
A PERSONAL STORY: Steve Bramwell, Black Isle Men’s Shed
SMSA chats to Steve Bramwell to find out how the retired surgeon became Chair and a founding member of the Black Isle Men’s Shed (BIMS) and hear all about their intergeneration work and future plans.
SHED LIFE: To the end of the earth
Turriff and District Men’s Shed has responded to a call from a local family and their two young boys to support their ‘Erebus’ project to build two scaled-down replica HMS Erebus and HMS Terror wooden ships ready to set sail in October over 13,000 miles.
SHED PROJECTS: The Black Isle Shedders of Feddanhill Wood
Little did the members of Black Isle Men’s Shed know that when the owners of Feddanhill Wood invited them to come and view the facilities, what would evolve…
And much more…
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