SMSA is delighted to present Edition 19 (February 2021) of The Scottish Shedder to our members and supporters.
Inside this issue:
SHED IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Garnock Valley Men’s Shed
David Gardner, Vice-Chair of GVMS, shares their Shed’s journey and the news that their transfer of ownership and a 25-year lease was secured just before Christmas
A PERSONAL JOURNEY: Richard Potts of Paisley Men’s Shed
Richard Potts shares a personal snapshot of his community garden design and construction projects since joining the Shed in the summer of 2019
SHED LIFE: Kirkmuirhill and Blackwood Shedders take to the great outdoors
Members of Kirkmuirhill and Blackwood Men’s Shed receive the breath of fresh air they needed to plant 420 trees from the Woodlands Trust in their local community – allowing them to progress with an outdoor project, exercise and reconnect socially
SHED LIFE: Construction well under way at Inverurie & District Men’s Shed’s Horticultural Centre
Members of the Inverurie & District Men’s Shed began the big dig to prepare the ground at their new allotment site at Souterford after receiving a wealth of support for the project from funders, local companies and individuals
FUNDING SUCCESS: Alford and District Men’s Shed receives green cash boosts
Alford and District Men’s Shed has received several cash boosts aimed at tackling climate change and boosting Scotland’s green recovery from the pandemic. Their recent application to the Community Climate Asset Fund will now enable them to get electric bikes and trailers to move further with their low carbon project in their community
SHED PROJECTS: Pentlands Men’s Shed
When SMSA got wind of teepees and buses being created by a Scottish Shed, we just had to get in touch to find out more! Pentlands Men’s Shed has been taking time in lockdown to pursue some local community projects with a difference
Any much more…
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