SMSA is delighted to present Edition 18 (December 2020) of The Scottish Shedder to our members and supporters.
Inside this edition:
Aboyne Men’s Shed’s Chairman, Mike Brooks, tells us all about their state-of-the-art new-build Community Shed now that construction has restarted following several months of shutdown and a completion date is in sight.
SHED IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Kirriemuir & Glens Men’s Shed
The Scottish Shedder catches up with Robert Miller—Chairman of SMSA’s latest new Shed member, Kirriemuir & Glens Men’s Shed—to chat about the progress at their new Shed unit.
A PERSONAL JOURNEY: Bill Davidson, Aberchirder & District Men’s Shed
Bill Davidson, of Aberchirder & District Men’s Shed gives us a sneak peek of their brand spanking new—all singing, all dancing—metal workshop which is now ready and waiting for the day its members return.
SHED PROJECT: Dalbeattie Men’s Shed’s replica vintage car project
It’s full speed ahead as Dalbeattie Men’s Shed puts the finishing touches on their latest project— to recreate a replica of an original Dalbeattie-manufactured 1920s car—in time to celebrate its centenary.
And much much more…
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