SMSA is delighted to present Edition 15 (July 2020) of The Scottish Shedder to our members and supporters – in downloadable pdf and flipbook versions.
The publication is sent out to our 127 Member Sheds and over 2,300 subscribers. It features the latest news, events, DIY projects, recipes, personal stories, health matters and funding opportunities relevant to Sheds in Scotland.
Click here to access Edition 15 (July 2020)
In this edition:
AWARDS LAUNCH: SMSA ‘Shed of the Year’ Awards 2020
This prestigious award, in its second year, recognises and rewards the contribution and impact Men’s Sheds make to society and tells the story to raise awareness of the benefits of Sheds to men, their family and friends and the community as a whole.
SHED IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Alford & District Men’s Shed
The Shedder shines the spotlight on Alford & District Men’s Shed who has been working hard to provide an ecologically-friendly facility for its local community.
St Andrews Men’s Shed member, Eric Box, shares his own Men’s Shed (lockdown) experience.
Check out what Shedders across Scotland have been making at home.
What do you think of The Scottish Shedder?
SMSA is keen to hear what you think of the publication and has created an online survey to gauge your thoughts and opinions. Your feedback is appreciated to ensure we continue to meet the needs of our readership.
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