On Saturday 7th May 2022, SMSA’s CEO Jason Schroeder and Development Officer Tim Green attended the reading of ‘Men Don’t Talk’ co-written by Clare Prenton and Peebles and District Men’s Shed.
Jason Schroeder, SMSA Chief Executive Officer, said: “I had the privilege of attending this professional reading of Men Don’t Talk at the Duns Play Fest. The play is an important and vital thread in the much needed understanding and reweaving of a new cultural story. If we are going to continue succeeding in creating a healthy and thriving world for everyone we need to have these types of opportunities to witness, experience and discuss what needs to change and how we can create the changes together. Clare Prenton and Peebles & District Men’s Shed have triumphed on behalf of us all.”
Tim Green, SMSA Development Officer, said: “The actors (including award-wining Billy Mack, Dougal Lee and Greg Powrie) did brilliantly capturing the characters we meet in the Sheds.
“The script managed to encapsulate the magic that goes on in Sheds in a warm, humorous and authentic way. Many of the lines echoed conversations and moments I’ve experienced over the last three months visiting Sheds all over Scotland. I felt very at home during the performance and I know many men, and Shedders in particular, will feel the same.
“Clare is now seeking funding and interested producers, programmers and venues to tour the play across Scotland and beyond. Let’s hope plenty more folk get to see the play!”
#menssheds #menshealth #menswellbeing #headtotheshed #shedicine #nevermoreneeded
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