Good news is we now have an agreement with Axminster for our paid up Shed members to get a 5% discount. Once we issue our paid up Shed members the code and you apply, Axminster create a new account record for the applying Shed. To that account they assign a... read more →
Health and Safety Executive - Safety alert Please be aware Shedders who are welding that a new safety alert has been posted. There is new scientific evidence that exposure to all welding fume, including mild steel welding fume, can cause lung cancer because general ventilation does not achieve the necessary control.... read more →
Motion debated, That the Parliament recognises the important contribution that the Men’s Sheds movement makes to people’s wellbeing; notes that there are now sheds running or in development across the length and breadth of the country, including in Lauder, Galashiels, Peebles, Mayfield and Roslin; understands that the activities and groups... read more →
Glasgow Caledonian University is presently busy with a three-year research project about Scottish Men's Sheds sustainability and the health impacts on those men attending Men's Sheds. Fifteen months into the research please find attached their first official output from the Sustainable Shed project. This is a short briefing report outlining... read more →
NEW ONLINE GUIDANCE FOR SCIO APPLICATIONS The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) are currently testing an online application form if your Shed is in development and will become a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). For the first time you can do it all online and not use the old postal system... read more →
THE SCOTTISH MEN’S SHEDS ASSOCIATION CELEBRATES THE TRUE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IN COLLABORATION WITH SCOTTISH BLEND TEA To celebrate the true spirit of Christmas, this year Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) have teamed up with Scottish Blend tea to deliver their Member Sheds across Scotland, a comforting cup of tea... read more →
The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA), working collaboratively with the Australian Men’s Sheds Association (AMSA) is calling attention to the benefits of ‘mateship’ across the international Men’s Sheds community this Men’s Shed Week (23-30 September 2018). This is the first time the two national associations are simultaneously promoting the awareness... read more →
Highlights In this edition Talking Sheds - Jason Schroeder sheds some light on why Men's Sheds are for men. Sounds simple right? Spotlight on - The Tool Shed at The Ecology Centre New SMSA Board Members - meet the new members of the SMSA Board. DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY : click here