SMSA is delighted to present Edition 13 (March 2020) of The Scottish Shedder to our members and supporters.
The publication is sent out to our 125 Member Sheds and over
2,200 subscribers. It features the
latest news, events, DIY projects, recipes, personal stories, health matters
and funding opportunities relevant to Sheds in Scotland in addition to a
‘Talking Sheds’ feature from our Executive Officer, Jason Schroeder.
Inside this edition:
- COVER STORY: East Neuk Men’s Shed helps to bring back the ‘Beauty’ – East Neuk Men’s Shed, in partnership with other local community groups, is working on a restoration project to breathe life back into a boat with a fascinating history.
- SHED IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Midmar Men’s Shed – The Scottish Shedder interviewed Jim Allan from Midmar Men’s Shed to discuss progress and challenges to date in the run up to launch day.
- A PERSONAL JOURNEY: Professor Chris Oliver – The Scottish Shedder met up with retired surgeon and new SMSA Trustee, Professor Chris Oliver, to find out more about his journey to Men’s Sheds and what’s happening at the Men’s Shed St Andrews.
- TALKING SHEDS: Coronavirus and Sheds – SMSA’s Executive Officer, Jason Schroeder, speaks about the importance of staying connected during this very difficult time.
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