SMSA is delighted to present Edition 12 (February 2020) of The Scottish Shedder to our members and supporters.
The publication is sent out to our 123 Member Sheds and over 2,200 subscribers. It features the latest news, events, DIY projects, recipes, personal stories, health matters and funding opportunities relevant to Sheds in Scotland in addition to a ‘Talking Sheds’ feature from our Executive Officer, Jason Schroeder.
In this edition
- COVER STORY: Kinross and District Men’s Shed (KDMS) inspires Shedders to get on their e-bikes – read all about the KDMS’s e-bike initiative, its successful bike conversions to date and the huge health implications for Shedders!
- SHED IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Westhill Men’s Shed – The Scottish Shedder caught up with Nick Pilbeam, Secretary of Westhill Men’s Shed – the first ever Shed in Scotland – to check out its latest expansion project and its plans for its seventh year.
- Inverclyde Shed awarded funding to attract young Shedders – hear all about the changes happening at Inverclyde Shed including an extension in its opening hours to encourage working men to attend.
- A personal story – Stewart McLean, a stalwart
member of Roslin Men’s Shed, shares his personal story with The Scottish
Shedder on how the Shed has impacted on his life.
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